The Naturopathic Medical Legacy Project was founded in memoriam of Dr. Anton Ingard, DC, ND, to acquire, transfer, and archive Naturopathic Medical wisdom and knowledge from Naturopathic Elders, particularly in the field of hands-on therapies.
In order to facilitate the sharing of Elder knowledge, the Naturopathic Legacy Project has helped organize and run monthly hands-on seminars taught by Naturopathic Elders. These seminars provide an opportunity for experiential knowledge transfer and are video recorded in order to create a resource database for future and current Naturopathic Doctors.
If you are a state or provincial association, kindly read our formal introduction letter here:
Association Introduction to the NLP
Click here to watch our Welcome Video!
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We currently have 14 videos recorded and 10 are now edited and able to be viewed online. These videos represent the recorded workshops of some of our elders. We have many others who are planning to do presentations in the months and years ahead. We are working on profession-wide access to our workshops in our next website launch. Sign up for our email newsletter for updates!